Comments log (view all comments)
Final masterplan
Ballymore have asked for feedback on their final masterplan, before they submit their planning application.
July - October 2023 | Ballymore | Feedback form comments
Savanta survey
Ballymore commissioned a survey, completed by 377 adults after a series of pre-screening questions followed by prompts.
August 2023 | Savanta for Ballymore | Survey results | Survey criticism
EIA Scoping Opinion
The council have asked for responses to Ballymore's redevelopment proposal.
April - May 2023 | Barnet Council | Read the Application Comments
Emerging masterplan
Ballymore have asked for feedback on their emerging masterplan, before they submit their final plans this summer.
March - June 2023 | Ballymore | Quick survey comments | Long survey comments
Edgware Voice comments log
When we launched we asked what residents thought of the early regeneration plans for Edgware. Below is a log of the comments and emails we've received.
June 2022 - June 2023 | Edgware Voice | Read the comments log
Edgware Central early comments
Ballymore asked residents to share your thoughts on what you'd like to see in the area by dropping a pin and leaving a comment on key characteristics and features, things you like and don’t like and what you’d like to see more of in the future.
2021 - open by default | Ballymore | Read the comments here
Edgware Growth Area SPD
Both Barnet and Harrow and the councils jointly prepared a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide how Edgware Town Centre can successfully undergo renewal and better serve as a destination for local residents and businesses.
June 2021 | Barnet and Harrow Councils | Responses to the SPD
Sample comments (from 2023)
Concrete jungle
Over built and is going to creat a concrete jungle of high-rise buildings.
The buildings are too tall and out of character with the area.
Basically project is to tall, has to many homes and takes to long to build causing to much ongoing disruption. Make less homes and do more quicker.
Edgware is not a suitable area for 29 story blocks of flats !
High rise buildings are not wanted in our town, they an eyesore.
It looks like a concrete jungle! Tower blocks are an eye sore. Sorry, whoever designed this has little imagination. It looks like Colindale, which is not a pretty sight.
A sympathetic regeneration needs to be done. Tower blocks are not the answer. They do not provide a positive experience for people living in them or the local population that will be affected by them.
A 29 story building will remove light, plus the number and closeness of buildings will make it dark and claustrophobic at street level. Will overlook our area / surrounding areas and damage the sky line.
My main objections are due to the height if the new structure which will not fit in with rest of Edgware and will undoubtedly cause more shade along the high street in the mornings.
Far too many tall tower blocks very out of proportion with its surroundings. Hate that it turns central Edgware into a concrete jungle.
Appalled at the proospect of high rise tower blocks ruining suburban environment.
Huge concern about the number of high rise buildings planned and the area will be too densely populated.
The last thing Edgware needs are high rise buildings making an already dense population even worse.
Soul destroying
The new residential units are unsightly and not in keeping with the architectural tone and design of the rest of Edgware.
The architecture of the buildings is soul destroying. Big, imposing concrete blocks, with small variations, which turn Egdware into any other over-built-up town centre.
The design of the buildings need to look less like a concrete jungle. We do not want to repeat what has happened to Colindale.
With the British climate, the benefits of indoor shopping at the Broadwalk has been one of the few benefits of Edgware and still attracts people from surrounding areas. The plan has completely removed indoor shopping which will be a significant loss to Edgware.
The shopping centre is an integral and necessary part of the community and it provides a service so it would be a great disservice to the community to knock it down.
The broadwalk is not only a very useful shopping centre but also a centre of community with the coffee shop bringing comfort to many
There should be more focus on tacking anti-social behaviour not adding to crime level through overpopulation. The Council can't keep up with street cleaning and fly tipping and this development would only add to the declining process of the area.
There is a beautiful panorama now from Canons Park and the surrounding area, such tall buildings will definitely ruin this natural beauty.
A more sensitive development like Stone Grove that actually improved what was there is needed.
Neither the area or the roads can take so many people. The plan needs to be reduced by at least half.
You have taken no notice of the needs of the Edgware community and totally ignored all their comments to date.
More Canary Wharf, less Edgware
This development is not in keeping with our suburban town and is beyond extreme in its density.
The Edgware town area is far too small to have such a large project. At present there is hardly any parking and the traffic is horrendous. Going ahead with this project is absurd.
These plans are inappropriate for the size and nature of Edgware. Edgware is a residential suburb Ian area and should be left alone.
More Canary Wharf, less Edgware.
The size of this development is off the scale for this sleepy suburb. It will turn a town into a city without any of the necessary supporting services being added to handle the increased number of people.
Edgware is a residential town that has expanded and grown and is home to a diverse population whilst keeping its green belt and skyline clear of high rise buildings and over developed urban areas
Edgware definitely needs an upgrade but this monstrosity of a development across a very small high street and station road is just absurd.
Overcrowding would also increase the demand for housing, making it more difficult for existing residents to find affordable homes.
The proposal is totally out of character with Edgware's low density suburban identity and is the complete opposite of what Edgware needs to address the problems with the town centre.
The existing infrastructure is struggling
You are introducing an intensity of use into the Broadwalk site that will kill the existing high street and station road and cause unbelievable traffic congestion into the surrounding road
Plan is concerning is it will lead to over-congestion and build-up of even more traffic in the area. Would support refurbishing on a lower scale as has been done around West Hendon
The actual town centre should have more modest developments. The key street will not be able to cope with the traffic and building works.
Parking will be a nightmare and presently all the roads in rush hour are gridlocked.
Too many block of flats, not enough parking spaces, schools or GP. Without this development already the roads are packed. Losing great community point. Area loosing its character
The underground trains are already packed once they've reached Colindale. This will mean a journey into town will be very unpleasant for the majority of the passengers who use this line.
We are already struggling with traffic, school places, parking, doctor and dentists surgeries without adding to the problem by building homes for thousands more people to live in the area exacerbating the difficulties we currently face.
It is almost impossible to get a GP appointment. There are above average waits in A and E due to capacity issues..There are also waiting lists to get a school place. Putting it frankly there is not the infrastructure to cope!
It adds several thousand new people to the burden on local infrastructure - rail, roads, bus etc, and does not show how the enormous impact on the centre of Edgware will be alleviated whilst construction takes place.
The existing infrastructure is struggling without the project and it would be unthinkable what it would be like if the proposal were to go through.
We residents are already struggling with local services, like transport, availability of Doctors surgery, not enough parking, pollution, etc. These additional residents are going to cripple the services which is heaving with the existing Edgware and Harrow residents
We do not have doctors, hospitals or facilities to deal with thousands of extra residents. The rubbish by the Broadwalk cannot be dealt with currently so imagine that many many times over!!
Local representative comments (from 2023)
While I believe Edgware needs investment and some redevelopment, dense, high-rise buildings will be out-of-keeping with the area.
- Matthew Offord, MP for Hendon [1]
This is going to totally change Edgware town centre, morphing it into a Canary Wharf twin and overwhelming the infrastructure
- Bob Blackman, MP for Harrow East [2]
The proposed #EdgwareTowers are an eyesore and will overwhelm local infrastructure
- Bob Blackman, MP for Harrow East [3]
This plan for 25 high-rise buildings is insane ... what is proposed is excessive. It must be drastically scaled back before it can be made acceptable.
- Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet [4]
The towers they're proposing are simply too high and the development too dense. There needs to be much more parking and much more infrastructure
- David Pinto-Duschinsky, Parliamentary candidate for Hendon [5]
The @MayorofLondon @BarnetCouncil and @TfL need to listen to the concerns of residents over its local impact and ensure a reduction in the size and scale of the proposed development
- Julie Redmond, GLA candidate for Barnet & Camden [6]
The current proposed development of 4,000 homes, with some buildings planned to be 29 stories, is excessive and is not in the interests of Edgware.
- Hendon Conservatives [7]
We have also contacted councillors (who are not on the planning committee) in Edgwarebury, Burnt Oak and Mill Hill, as well as the leader of the council, Barry Rawlings, for comment.